
As an open-source project, StrictDoc is based on the work of many people and organizations:

  • StrictDoc receives contributions from other developers.

  • StrictDoc is built using other open-source software.

  • StrictDoc uses free hosting and Continuous Integration services provided for open-source software.

  • StrictDoc uses the commercial versions of JetBrains IDEs for free.

This page gives due credit to everyone who made StrictDoc possible.

Contributions to StrictDoc

The core team: @stanislaw and @mettta.

The following people and organizations have contributed to StrictDoc. The contributions are listed in the alphabetic order.

  • @BenGardiner – Import Excel feature, improvements of HTML and RST export, Document Fragments feature.

  • @GGBeer – Generating bibliography with BibTeX (ongoing), improvements of Excel export.

  • @lochsh – MathJax support.

  • @Relasym – Important fixes of how the documents are re-generated (or not).

  • @stumpyfr – Improvements of Excel export.


  • BUGSENG and @RobertoBagnara have contributed bug reports and feature suggestions.

  • Kontrol have sponsored the work related to the early implementation of the ReqIF import/export feature (@alex.d, @cbernt, @Relasym).

Single/smaller contributions can be also seen on the StrictDoc’s Insights/Contributors page.

Open source software

StrictDoc is based on other open source components. Without this support, we would have never reached where we are today.

StrictDoc was heavily inspired by the Doorstop project. Without the strong example of Doorstop, StrictDoc would probably never exist.

StrictDoc uses textX as an underlying parser for the SDoc text markup language.

StrictDoc uses Sphinx and Docutils for generating SDoc documents to RST, HTML and PDF formats.

StrictDoc has a satellite project reqif which is built on top of the lxml parser. The reqif library allows StrictDoc to import and export documents from/to ReqIF format.

StrictDoc uses FastAPI and a combination of Turbo.js and Stimulus.js for its Web-based graphical interface. This combination helps StrictDoc to stick with the HTML over the wire approach.

StrictDoc uses Jinja as a templating engine. Jinja is used for both static HTML and RST exports as well as in the Web-based GUI.

StrictDoc uses Pygments to color-code the source files for its “requirements to source files” traceability feature.

StrictDoc uses XlsxWriter and xlrd for its Excel export/import features.

The credits also recursively go to the building blocks of each of the above projects because most of them have their own dependencies.

Refer to the configuration file for an up-to-date summary of StrictDoc’s dependencies.

Hosting and Continuous Integration

StrictDoc is hosted on GitHub and uses GitHub Actions to run all of its build, test and release tasks. As an open-source project, StrictDoc gets these services from GitHub for free.

StrictDoc’s documentation is hosted on Read the Docs.

Commercial IDEs by JetBrains

The StrictDoc’s core team uses the commercial versions of PyCharm and WebStorm from JetBrains.

The Licenses for Open Source Development - Community Support from JetBrains are provided to the core team for free, based on the precondition that StrictDoc is developed as completely free software, without any monetization mechanisms.

Before the license for the commercial JetBrains was obtained in 2023, the complete StrictDoc’s Python codebase had been produced using PyCharm, the Community edition.